Sunday, June 22, 2008

chez ghana

Something is not agreeing with me this morning. I’m slightly nauseous. I can think of several possible reasons for this:

A) A) I have accidentally ingested some tap water and it is coming back to haunt me.

B) B) The oatmeal I had for breakfast was too heavy.

C) C) The Ghanaian “bitters” I drank last night was a Bad Choice… sort of a whisky-rum thing, but really strong… the main reason I even bought it was because the label said it “promotes vitality… ESPECIALLY in men” which I thought was hilarious.

D) D) The heat, which makes me feel like my skin is melting off (I’m already at least one shade darker, it’s only been two days, and I really haven’t even been in the sun much).

E) E) All of the above.

Ah, well. I’m drinking a lot of (clean) water to try and flush this thing out, whatever it is. I have to be ready to go soon, for the excitement of the day commences at 2: we have managed to acquire 13 tickets to a World Cup soccer match: Ghana Blackstars vs. Gabon’s team. The game doesn’t start til 5 but we want to try for decent seats. I know next to nothing about soccer but Ghanaians get so excited about it that it’s contagious.

The last two members of our group, Scot and Josh, arrived last night and we went yet again to Chez Afrique. Some Ghanaian man pulled me onto the dance floor, which was fine… until a couple other guys appeared out of nowhere and wanted to dance all close within seconds of their appearance. Ahh! I just pulled away and probably looked really awkward and they kinda got the message. The funny thing was, Ken was dancing nearby with some other Ghanaian guys who were also trying to dance all closey-close with him. Ken was really laid back about it; probably less awkward than me. Kind of weird. Apparently that kind of thing isn’t an indication of homosexuality here at all, and is totally culturally acceptable. Cool, I guess, I just haven’t adjusted yet.

I think that’s it for now. I need to just lounge for a bit to get past this nasty nausea thing.

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