Tuesday, June 12, 2007

crashing into the dave

Lately, I've been hearing a lot of Dave Matthews Band. This is not out of my personal choice, necessarily, it is just the way things seem to be happening. The woman I babysit for all the time must own every Dave Matthews CD in existence. I thought he only had like 4 CDs: alas, they must number more like 27. I did not realize this until she moved and now all of her CDs are in one place. She doesn't have a ton of other music, so I've burned her several of my CDs, mainly so I can listen to my own stuff while I'm over there. The Shins, Sufjan Stevens, Death Cab, and Brett Dennen have all made many a round on her CD player. Thus I am kind of tired of all of them. So last week I caved and just listened to the Dave Matthews.

Have you ever noticed that people who like the Dave absolutely LOVE him? Like, obsessed. I have a hard time understanding this. He's good... kind of. Kind of just douchebag music though. Which doesn't mean it's bad. It just means that it's the kind of thing you should limit your exposure to (If I have never explained douchebag music to you before, here it is on urbandictionary.com - Maya and I defined it on there quite a while ago - http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=douchebag+music. Our definition is mostly a joke, but now we actually refer to this as a genre quite regularily).

Anyways, important news: Mangiamo hired me! I am a barista and a cashier, etc. at a coffeeshop! It is less than perfect, because it's a campus place... and all campus-run food places aren't that hot for... you know... that Seattle-circa-1993 feel that the good kind of coffee shops have. The kind of place I dream about working at. But it is a far cry from working at the Card Office, and so I'm happy.

I had my first shift yesterday at 6 AM. Fun times, especially because my neighbors woke me up at 4 AM, still partying (the Sunday night of finals week, no less). I enjoy my neighborhood because it is colorful. Except yesterday, when I wished the colorfulness would shut up and go to bed. Other than that little incident, (which really had nothing to do with work!) work went quite well. I felt very accomplished, intelligent and such when I left. I know how to make all the coffees now! I have not drank any of the ones I've made so far, so they could be terribly shitty and I just don't know. To be on the safe side, I should give all of my friends their coffees for free... hmm. I'm not sure that's something I'll be able to get away with. I'm not going to try that kind of thing until I really know the ropes.

Anyways: there's a CD player for the staff at Mangiamo. Nothing was playing on it and I asked one of the girls about it. She was like, "Yeah, that's for us. Do you want to listen to something?"

DUH! I want to listen to something. There are few situations, I think, that are not enhanced by the presence of music. Why would you NOT listen to music if you could?

Anyways, there was a CD already in the thing and it was, obviously, Dave Matthews. Is there no escape, I ask you. Anyways... still better than silence, so I turned it on. One thing's for sure though: time for me to burn some more work CDs. There's only so many times I can hear that man sing about crashing into him. That's not sexy, it's weird. The day I think that sex resembles crashing is the day I become celibate.

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